July 13, 2018 By Christian Murray
Permits have been filed for a six story, eight-unit building to go up on the corner of Manhattan and Driggs Avenues where Bar Matchless had operated for 15 years.
The existing building, located at 561 Manhattan Ave., will be demolished to make way for the new structure that will consist of a ground floor eating establishment and residential units.
The developer, Bi Hang Cheng, has yet to file demolition permits.
Cheng closed on the property earlier this year for $4,450,000, according to property records.
Bar Matchless, a popular watering hole and music venue, closed in January.
Isn’t this in the Greenpoint Historical Distrct?What’s going on with that?
Agreed Vlad, as little as 20 yrs ago, Kent Ave in Williamsburg was a haven for hookers and wild dogs. You could not even drive your car down there.
The gentrification has brought good and bad. The hookers and wild dogs are gone and the area is trendy, built up with nice parks however, unless you are rich or want to bunk up with two to three roomies, you cannot afford the place anymore. Also if you are over age 40-50 it is not your demo and you feel isolated and landlords have a bulls eye painted on any senior rent regulated tenant.
Ha- 10 down-votes for your telling the truth about the downsides of rampant gentrification. Must be all developers. I’d rather have the hookers than them! We got a few parks in exchange for destroying the community. Some bargain.
As for the comment that in years past “you could not set foot in the Northside after 5pm”, that’s an absurd generalization about a once thriving artistic and ethnic mix in the genuine community that was the Northside.
This doesn’t surprise me. Due to the influx of residential activities in the hood. Being here for my whole life . I have seen changes o’many. For example the now trendy northside waterfront was a notorious dumping ground for ladies of the night. In fact you did set foot in the Northside after 5pm.